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Grant Opportunities 

Grants & Projects

Beyond The Walls

“Beyond the Walls” grants represent the vast array of projects that the Foundation supports each year. From underwriting the cost to transport students to the Illinois State capitol or sending award winning students to New York for recognition at Carnegie Hall, to investing in technology that enables students to learn from sources around the world, the Foundation exists to provide opportunities that otherwise would not be available. 

The program works like this:

Teachers submit a Beyond the Walls grant application to District administrators and to the BCEF (links are below). The application must demonstrate a strong curricular connection for the project, trip, or technology – and also show that the opportunity provides more than can be offered in the classroom setting.  Once approved, the project, trip, or technology must be completed within the current school calendar year.

A Great Place To Learn

The purpose of A Great Place to Learn grant:

  • High-quality learning opportunities for elementary children (pre K through 5th grade) in the Ball-Chatham School District

  • Innovative instructional materials that will enhance learning

  • Memorable educational experiences for elementary children through project materials, books, manipulatives, equipment, or other materials that teachers would otherwise not have available to them.


Procedures to apply:

  • Develop a plan which meets the criteria for the above goal. Attention should be focused on providing what would not be funded by the school district.

  • One grant up to $500 will be awarded each academic year to a teacher or a group of teachers.

  • Complete the application and submit a paper copy to the BCEF Director at the District Office or via email to the Grants Committee ( providing required signatures are included. 

  • Applications must be submitted by February 1st.

  • Grants will be reviewed by a BCEF Director, a teacher representative, and an administrator. The grant will be awarded by the first of March. 

  • Grants must be spent by the end of the current school year. Information will be provided for applicants to know how to proceed in spending their money. (i.e. purchase order, credit card)


This grant is funded by a donation that is to be invested so the interest will become the primary source of funds.  It is understood that a portion of the principle may be needed to fund the grant for any year the interest is not sufficient to fund the grant.  This grant will continue to be in effect until all the allotted funds are dispersed and/or the donating family requests a change in the goals and/or expenditures for this grant. 

What I Need (WIN)

The purpose of the WIN Grant is:

  •  To provide for student support and enrichment activities.

  •  To encourage innovative programs and initiatives.

  •  To assist with needs over and above what is available to teachers and staff through district     resources. 



  • Only one approved application is allowed during each school year for each staff member.

  • All Ball-Chatham school district staff members may apply.

  • Each application is limited to $500 – this includes tax and shipping.

  • Items obtained through BCEF WIN grants stay in the District and are not to be taken by the teacher and/or staff member if he/she is no longer employed by the Ball-Chatham School District.

Grant Application Procedures
  1. All grant applications need to be submitted prior to the first of the month.  Applications will be accepted from August 1st through April 1st.  No applications will be accepted during the months of May, June and July.

  2. Before submitting your application, please ensure that all sections are completed including appropriate signatures from your administration and the director of technology if needed.

  3. Fill out the form via typing or writing. Print to sign. Scan the completed application then email it directly to the Grants Committee at  No paper applications through district mail will be accepted.

  4. Your application will then be reviewed by the BCEF Grant Committee.  We will then reach out to you with any questions or clarifications so any necessary changes can be made.  Your application will then be presented to the BCEF Board for approval.  

  5. The BCEF Board generally meets on the third Tuesday of every month.  Grants will be officially voted on during this monthly meeting.  

  6. Upon the BCEF Board decision, you will be notified of approval within seven days.  Your finance secretary will be included in this notification so they may order your items.

  7. Once you have received your grant items, please send a testimonial to the BCEF Board expressing how the grant has affected your classroom.  Please include pictures if able. 


Form Links

Contact Us

1475 E. Plummer Blvd

Chatham, IL 62629

For any questions please e-mail

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